Monday, April 13, 2009

Cooking the Indonesian way -- Kari Cornell and Merry Anwar

Cooking the Indonesian Way: Includes Low-Fat and Vegetarian Recipes (Easy Menu Ethnic Cookbooks) Cooking the Indonesian Way: Includes Low-Fat and Vegetarian Recipes by Kari A. Cornell

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars

Dibaca pas masuk jam makan siang, dengan suara perut bertalu-talu dan cacing menari-nari didalam minta dikasih jatah makan. Suwer, tambah lapeerrr!

Ada satu resep nih yang gampang, mo coba ah! Bisa dibikin sambil merem lho saking gampangnya! Asal ada yang mendampingi masak tentu saja, kan gak lucu kalo kita yang nyemplung ke penggorengan..

Secara yang bikin org bule, mohon maaf terjemahannya asal-asalan, gak jamin jadi kue ya kalo baca terjemahannya doang *xixixi*

Potato Snowball Cookies / Kue Bola

5 large red potatoes, peeled (ubi kali yah? mosok kentang?)

2 tbsp. flour (2 sdm tepung)

2 eggs (2 telor, ngerti ini mah ya?)

½ tsp. salt (½ sdt garem)

½ tsp. vanilla extract (½ sdt vanili)

½ c. sugar (½ apa tuh? kira-kira aja deh ya gulanya?)

2 tbsp. milk (2 sdm susu cair kali yah?)

1 c. canola oil (minyak goreng lah gw rasa)

1 c. powdered sugar (gula bubuk)

1. Boil the potatoes for 20 minutes, or until they can be easily pirced with a fork. Drain. Use a potato masher or fork to mash the potatoes. Set aside and allow to cool completely. (Rebus ubi sampe empuk, trus dihaluskan, gitu lah kira-kira)

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, eggs, salt, vanilla, sugar, and milk. Stir in the mashed potatoes. (Campur tepung, telor, garem, vanila, gula dan susu, trus campurin ke ubi halus tadi deh)

3. Shape mixture into 1-inch balls (bentuk bola-bola, ukuran terserah aja kali ah) and place on a clean plate (taro di piring bersih? emangnya kita biasa pake piring kotor? idih! gak perlu pake diperjelas gitu kali yee)

4. Heat oil in a wok or large skillet over high heat. The oil is hot enough when a pinch of the potato mixture quickly sizzles to a golden brown (panaskan minyak lah intinya). Use a slotted spoon to carefully lower a few of the potato balls at a time into the hot oil (naro bola ubi pake sendok biar tangannya nggak kecipratan minyak panas, gituu). Cook until golden brown, about 7 to 10 minutes (jangan sampe gosong lah).

5. Remove balls from oil and place on paper towels to cool. Springkle with powdered sugar before serving (taburi dengan gula bubuk sebelum disajikan)

Keknya enak ya? Gampang lagi, buat cemilan sore hari sambil nonton infotainment ditemani secangkir teh panas. Yummy!

View all my reviews.

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